

未来のGlobal Citizen(世界の市民)へ













Inquiry-based Learningとは、子ども達が主体的に課題を見つけ、その課題を探求的に学習する、近年注目されている学習活動の一つです。エデュケーターやクラスメイトとのより深い対話を必要とするクラスのため日本語で行っていきます。













OECD は、世界の約 80 ヵ国の 15 歳を対象に実施している PISA(Program for International Student Assessment: 国際学習到達度調査)において、2018 年度より「グローバル・コンピテンス」(Global Competence)を調査対象としています。

OECD URL https://www.oecd.org/pisa/innovation/global-competence/


Multiple Choices 選べる卒業後の進路について




インターナショナルスクール:Deutsche Schule Kobe International、Canadian Academy、Marist Brothers International School、 St. Michael International School、その他海外のスクールへの推薦




Parental Support  ご家庭との連携について





・保護者の皆さまとの連携 ‘Parenting’






Schedule 1日のスケジュール例

14:30以降は、After Classでのお預かりが可能です


Annual Events(年間行事)


Educators for Daily Class

Robb Winters-Shikmori

Mami Onishi

Aika Okamoto

Eriko Inoue







Curriculum for three years  3年間の流れ

At Kobe English Academy (KEA), we realize that each child is unique and that each child learns in a different way. Our teachers use a variety of methods and activities to ensure that each student can be successful.  

K1 class (3-4 years)

Speaking: In the first year of kindergarten, the students increase their vocabulary greatly and use that new vocabulary to interact with each other and ask questions. The K1 students also learn a greater variety of useful sentences.


Reading/Phonics:K1 phonics lessons teach the individual sounds of each letter as well as an anchor word (or words) that begin with that sound. This helps the student remember the phonetic sounds of the letter more quickly. (ex: “A says / a/, /a/, /a/, apple). After learning the letter sounds well, the students start to combine the letter sounds and we study word families (ex: ~at word family: cat, hat, bat, sat,…).


Writing/Spelling: The K1 students learn how to write all upper-case and lower-case letters. We teach the proper stroke order and the students practice writing everyday. The K1 students also practice teacher led group spelling activities of simple three-letter words using phonics. (ex: Teacher says: “How do we spell cat?” Students with help from teacher break the word apart into its sounds. Teacher says, “What is the first sound in cat?” Students say, “/c/!” Teacher says, “What letter makes the /c/ sound?” Students say the letter and write it together.

K2 class (4-5 years)

Speaking:Speaking: The K2 class begins learning more advanced vocabulary and uses longer sentences. They continue to interact with the new vocabulary in conversation and begin to use English to express their feelings and ideas.


Reading/Phonics: The K2 students are able to read longer words with basic vowel sounds. They also start to learn double-letter combinations (ex: /ch/, /sh/, /ee/, /ea/,…). The K2 class also begins learning about ‘magic-e’ words (ex: Cute, sale, mine,…)and practices reading using leveled readers in addition to simple picture books.


Writing/Spelling: The K2 students focus on improving the neatness of their handwriting and practice writing their letters in a smaller size. K2 Students also start writing full sentences during free-writing activities where they can express themselves by writing what they like and draw a picture to match their sentences. They also practice spelling words individually, as well as trying to spell new unfamiliar words using ‘inventive spelling’, a method where students make an educated guess at the spelling using their phonetic knowledge (ex: “flawrs” for “flowers” or “prpul” for “purple”). This is an important first stem in the process of not only becoming a good speller, but also a good reader and writer.

K3 class (5-6 years)

Speaking: The K3 class continues learning more advanced vocabulary and grammar. They also begin to express themselves a lot more and talk about their lives in greater detail. They also become more active in conversations. At the beginning of each lesson, the K3 students have time to talk about their lives and share things with their classmates and the teacher. During this time, the K3 students listen more closely, take in the information, and ask their own thoughtful questions. At this point, they are able to communicate at a high level using English in a natural way.


Reading/Phonics: The K3 class continues to read longer magic-e words (ex: plane, shine, smoke) and learns to read more difficult phonetic patterns (ex: /kh/, /wr/, /eigh/,…). The students also learn about compound words, two separate words that can combine to make a new word (ex: butter + fly = butterfly). At the end of the K3 year, students are able to read longer picture books. The students can also read and gather information and be able to answer comprehension questions based on that text. They are also able to read scripts and perform plays and puppet shows.


Writing/Spelling:  K3 students continue to practice spelling words by themselves based on patterns they study. They also continue using ‘inventive spelling’, but need to rely on it less as they learn more spelling patterns and become better spellers. In the K3 class, we also practice adding more detail to their free-writing sentences by learning to answer “Who?” “What?” “When?” “Where?” and “Why?” in their writing.

*up to 16 students per class.






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